Jesus answered, "If you knew the gift of God and who is asking you for a drink, you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water." – John 4:10
The Quantum Hydrogen Flask™ – "Stay healthy, drink hydrogen-enriched water daily"
Molecular Hydrogen is two hydrogen atoms bonded together. What makes this molecule so special is the amazing antioxidant properties that it holds. This molecule has now been the subject of study in over 500 research papers for its health benefits and the more we delve into the health benefits of Molecular Hydrogen, we uncover ever more secrets of its healing effects.
Molecular Hydrogen can help your body combat free radicals in three ways:
1. It’s the smallest molecule in existence – meaning it will penetrate through your skin, blood vessels, and even the walls of your cells to clean up free radicals. Molecular Hydrogen will get to free radicals in your cells faster than any other antioxidant you can ingest.
2. It selectively eliminates the most harmful free radicals, Hydroxyl Radicals – Hydroxyl Radicals are the most dangerous and reactive free radical. It will immediately react with anything near it, which is why it’s important that Molecular Hydrogen is present to eliminate them before they damage something important like your DNA.
3. It helps boost your cell’s own antioxidant enzymes – Molecular Hydrogen not only removes free radicals itself, it also has been shown to cause an increase in antioxidant enzyme production inside the cells. This gave rise to the notion that Molecular Hydrogen is also a cell-signaling molecule, and the ways that it benefits our health is numerous.
See this for more information: by Art Medina on Tuesday, September 5, 2017